26 June 2009

Today I got my departure information for Japan, I'll be leaving August 20th, from LA, CA. I can't wait! The plane trip is my first step into a strange land. Once I arrive in Japan, I will be going to an orientation. I wonder what that will be like. While waiting to go to Japan I have been learning Japanese (the language) and all about their culture. I haven't gotten very far yet though, I have no idea how I'm supposed to memorize all of it.  Japanese culture is so interesting, it really stresses the importanceof manners and respect since it is a small island nation. There are 4 main islands, and over 4,000 smaller islands. I think Kyoto is my favorite town from reading; it's a historical town on the tip of Japan. Kyoto used to be the capital of Japan, I think in the Feudal Era. The first two periods of Japan were Jomun and Yayoi. Rice cultivation started in the Yayoi period. Isn't that cool? They have been cultivating rice forever, no wonder it's their staple dish! The word for Japan in Japanese is nippon. I wonder where the word 'Japan' came from anyways? Do you think Europeans came up with it? I just got a book on modern Japanese history from the library, it looks really interesting.