29 October 2009

Hello, People!!! So this week started off pretty bad, but then got good in the middle, and ended with bit of a negative turn. But now I have a three day weekend and I`m meeting some friends for shopping etc., so at the moment I`m preetty dang happy. So the beginning of the week was just awful. No idea why. It was just so exhausting and depressing. Mondays are always sad cause I`m short on sleep and there are my least fave classes, but this time was especially bad. And tuesday, which I normally love was pretty bad too. But then Wednesday was awesome. My school is really big on english and offers internships to americans and the like, and on wednesday a group of 12-16 year olds and some parents from america visited the school. I was asked by my japanese teacher to help her teach them some basic japanese phrases and it was SO funny and weird. I hadnt realized it since Ive been surrounded by only japanese people for the past two months, but Am. and Jap. peeps are so different. Americans are much more open and less afraid of giving offense. There were a lot of differences that I just cant put my finger on the words to describe, but the whole experience was rather enlightening. And then on that same day my teacher told me that my school was going to see Les Miserables in japanese on the 9th!! I was so excited!! They put posters up in my school and I took a pic. of one. So I was incredibly, amazingly happy, until after I got home thursday. Then I had the sense to check the calender to make sure that I was open on the 9th, and lo and behold! My host parents had planned a trip to a deluxe onsen on that same day! Needless to say, I was a bit saddened. I actually sulked in my room for a while after dinner. But I was able to wake up on friday in a relatively good mood(thanks to the afore mentioned reasons). Yeah, so that was my week.
On sunday I`m going to a flea market with my host mom. I wonder if I`ll buy anything. OH! Speaking of buying, I went shopping for a little at some point(don`t ask when, I honestly can`t remember)and I actually bought something! Just a dress and a skirt and a crepe with green tea icecream, whipped cream, green tea jelly, and some powdered sugar. (The crepe was delicious^-^) I love crepes. I also love traditional japanese sweets, especially the ones with that sweet red bean paste that I always forget the name of.
I have nothing else to write. Umm, well. Since I came to japan, ive started liking coffee. Is that sad or what? I was hoping to never like it since then I wouldnt have to run the risk of being addicted. I blame the vending machines. I was trying to buy some hot cocoa one day, but I couldnt read what the cans said(duh, it was in japanese) so I just bought one that had a picture of milk on it. It turned out to be that thing thats a mix of coffee and milk(forgot its name). I didnt really like it, but I forced my self to drink it cause I dont like to waste food. So I kept drinking it, and to my very great surprise, the more I drank, the more I liked it. So I bought another one the next day to see if the day before had just been a fluke. I still like it. And that is how I came to like coffee while in japan. Now that I look back, that was a really weird story. Oh, well.
Alrighty, so Ill just end this post and go do.......something else. (I wonder what?)
Oh, and to grandma. I have recieved the halloween pkg. I loved it. I shared some(a very little)with my friends at school. They were very surprised. :)Ive been eating the rest. Yup. Laters.


  1. Great post as always! Now we HAVE to go to a B'way show in Japanese when we get there. I was sitting here drinking my coffee when I read that you like coffee and I almost spit my coffee out! My baby drinking that grown-up drink ;) I love you so much and plan to mail you some stuff on Monday. Have a great weekend! xoxox Mom

  2. Haha, sounds like my week! I've got a 3 day weekend too! But I'm sorry that your 1st 1/2 of your week was so bad :( Do your host parents ever like try and ask you how your day was or something like that? I know it would be hard, but I dunno..

    But anyways, did that whole experience with teaching the Americans Japanese phrases make you lose or gain respect for Americans? Or just confuse you? :D

    And I agree with your mother, I can't believe you like coffee! That's crazy!! I wish I liked coffee...it seems very helpful in the morning....I think I might try your technique and force myself to drink some....
    It's so funny because it seems like 90% of the time when you talk about food, it's about the crepes there. That's so cool that there are so many crepe places!!
    have a good weekend!!!

  3. THIS IS FROM YOUR PIANO TEACHER-I cut and pasted it for her :)

    Hi Emily--
    Its so sad - loosely quoting parts of the email I just sent to your Mom, I've read all your posts! Oh - that's not sad - I've really enjoyed them - I like your writing a lot! The "sad" part is that I've also tried to join/follow/interact w/ your blog in any way that's offered,
    & for some reason (probably the dinosaur-like gene that I suspect I have where technology is concerned), I've not been able to get connected so I can comment. ... OK ... so now in real time: I've asked your Mom to post this on your blog. I'm SO excited about all you're learning & experiencing! Your life forever is so much bigger than before! I'm SO glad you're investing in yourself in this way! I'm looking forward to seeing you when you return, but for now, enjoy all of it! Be well! Have fun!
    Love, Deborah

  4. Hallowe'en is over I think, although anyone who ventured out last nite for Trick or Treats may still be cuddled up inside a blanket to get dry and warm...it was a very rainy nite here last nite and everyone of the gang that took off from your home came back soaked but candy-satiated...there was a burger/veggie- burger bbq and salads for everyone first, then Kelly and Gregg and Micah Carter and I stayed home while everyone else went out...the kids all looked great...Kelly built a fire to welcome home the bedraggled lot
    Next up...Thanksgiving...then the big C...Oct. 31 is the kickoff to two months of insanity
    I am impressed that you helped other Americans learn Japanese...will you do that for us, too, please?
    And get the crepe recipes! the food you describe causes my tummy to rumble
    Bet you'll enjoy the flea market...always great to see what people have to sell for a bargain
    How does your host family celebrate birthdays? And what other holidays will you experience with them?
    Frank and I were at Downtown Books and News last week. I found this: "Japanese in MangaLand" - using mangas as the starting point for learning written and spoken Japanese. I was impressed and thought you might love to have it. Look for it in the mail in a couple of weeks.
    Fall is done now...the colors are over and the leaves have taken "leaf" of their trees!
    I love you ever, Grandma Judy
