08 August 2009

I don't have much to say in this blog, its purpose is merely to show you what my school uniform will look like. Personally, I think its rather cute. Also, preparations for the trip are well under way and so I only have a few things left to do before the big day. Here's the link for my school uniform.
Talk to ya'll laters!


  1. Sorry Emily but your link to the pictures of your uniforms didn't work! A page of Japanese writing came up instead :( Maybe I can help you try again!

  2. Emily,
    Your grandfather Jack wrote you a long message that got lost because I was not signed in.

    We would like to know your address in Japan so we can send you some things. And, please let us know if there is anything you need.
    It has been over 50 years since Grandpa Jack was in Japan so we are sure things have changed.
    He wants to know if you live near an Air Force base.
    Does your host family speak any English? Do they have children your age?
    Jack also suggested you study while on the train to and from school. Do you take the train by yourself or are there other teens on the train that go to the same school?

    Jack also wanted you to know about the Swine Flu scare here. Is it a big story in Japan?

    Are you learning to read and speak in Japanese now?

    We love you and hope you are enjoying yourself. Please email us at either nwilliams13@embarqmail.com or bigjack0001@embarqmail.com. We would love to hear from you.

    Love, Natalie and Grandpa Jack
