16 August 2009

Well, here I am. I'm about to depart for Japan. The orientation is in just three days, and may I say, I am scared witless. Why am I doing this again? Oh, right. It's the adventure of a life time. Of course, I am also incredibly excited. I'm spending the last few days in LA (which, btw, is also the abbreviation of Louisiana, but I'm in the city in CA) with my dad and sister. I am currently typing this on the hotels computer. Well, I gotta go. There's a time limit on the computer. Until next time.


  1. EMILY! I've been thinking about you and all that must be running thrrough your head right now!
    Just remember, I am going to be doing the same thing you are doing right now so you obviously aren't that crazy! :D
    When do you get to japan (nippon? is that how you say it in japanese??)? the 20th is what i keep thinking, bit i'm really not sure anymore :)
    You don't have to reply or write me back or answer my q's, cuz i know you must be busy as a bee.
    love from asheville!!

  2. oops, my mom is logged in, but that comment is from anna!!

  3. Yup, i get to japan on the 20th. and i agree, i am not crazy. im actually not that busy, im just waiting for the oreintation in suspense.
    i love asheville too!
