02 September 2009

So today was a school day. I had PE(ping pong, they call it teberu tenisu here), then I had some strange class. the front of the textbook for that class said Food Composition and inside the textbook was pictures of food and lots of japanese writing. today we looked at fruit pictures. and mushroom pictures. it was very strange. i made a new friend today in pe, her name is miho-chan and shes from a different class. today I also had japanese(not for me, for the japanese people, it teaches kanji) and calligraphy. calligraphy is ok, i dont really like the teacher. i told my homeroom teacher that i wanted to take calligraphy so she signed me up for three classes and the calligraphy teacher made me introduce myself at each. :( it was awful. but its fun going there. all the people i pass on the way say hello! nice to meet you! this one group of boys always say emily and salute me when i pass. they`re so funny:) the girls in my school all giggle and wave. everyone at the school knows my name cause they introduced me at the opening ceremony. which was horrible. i had to give a speech. i hate giving speeches. theyre awful. i dont have school tomorrow and only on monday next week so im not sure what to do. what to do what to do. okay time to address the posts then ill give you a schedule of my day. anna, most people have to travel a bit to get home and they have clubs and sometimes cram school so they dont get home until late. so most people dont hang out with friends after school. maybe sunday, or MAYBE saturday. but we have school for half a day on saturday so i doubt it. i guess u could call it family time? also, everyone loves my posts? go figure. daisy, school would actually really boring if it wasnt japanese. also, i found out today that yuki means courage. kyo=today and yuki=courage. cool, huh? mom, thanks for the link. its actually not that hard to upload pictures it just takes a while. also, its hard to take pics of school cause we are technically not allowed to bring a camera. i snuck a photo of my classroom yesterday. i also have a limited time on the computer so i can either blog or upload photos. ill try to upload photos tommorw. um, cant think of anything else to say. oh, they are always showing american movies of the 80`s on tv in badly subbed japanese. not really relevant to anything but i thought it was interesting. also there is gonna be an article about me in my school newspaper, so try to find the website. its something like senshu.matsuda.jp, but i wouldnt try that. well, im off. not sure what im gonna do but ill do something. maybe study japanese. bye bye.


  1. Great post as always honey. We bought you a 2nd generation 8GB ipod touch last night :) We will put music on it today and tomorrow and then put it in the mail to you with your books. I'm sure if you asked they would let you take pictures at school. You are a "special" student after all! I can't believe how many speeches you have to make. So here are some questions for you: do you get to help your host mother cook? Have you met their grandkids yet? What does your room look like? We love you and miss you everyday. We are having a great school year so far. Everyone is really into climbing the rope into the tree and Daddy put up two new tree swings. Love you, Mom

  2. Hello!!
    How's the weather there? It's just beginning to feel like fall here and a couple of tree have like 3 leaves changing.
    Also, are in within walking-distance of places/things? Are you allowed to go places on your own, or not? I guess that might be a little difficult considering you can't speak or read japanese...
    Anyways I hope you enjoy your food composition class! hehe
    I can't wait to see some of your pics!!

  3. http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.senshu-u-matsudo.ed.jp%2F&sl=ja&tl=en&history_state0=

    This is the link to Emily's school website. For the article and picture of her scroll down and look for "AFS Student Treats School."

  4. I love the pic of you in the article! you look so cute in your uniform!
